
From Sidlangs
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Language Features
Family ʔlat'ûl
Sound Harsh
Head-Direction Head-Initial
Main Speakers !Qẍáḍ
# of Speakers About 4,000
Status vulnerable
{{{s3-f1}}} Any ʔlat'ûl
Click languages
{{{s3-f2}}} {{{s3-c2}}}
Languages {{{s3-c3}}}

ǃ̃ƛ’ŋẍáḍ ([ǃ̃t͡ɬ'ɴ.ɴʀ̤ɒ̀ˤɖ]; mTLX(x) "!Qẍáḍ language") is a language spoken by the !Qẍáḍ. ǃ̃ƛ’ŋẍáḍ has the largest phonetic inventory of any language of the planes, with clicks, implosives, ejectives, tone, nasal sounds,

pharyngealization, velarization, labialization, voicing distinction, retroflexation, rare trills, prenasalization, and more.

ǃ̃ƛ’ŋẍáḍ is a ʘixanér'êr language. Its full distinction is as follows:

Break-icon.png    Xhüqua I breaks off from ʔlat'ûl

Split-icon.png    Xhüqua II splits off from Xhüqua I

Massevolve-icon.png    Xhüqua II mass-evolves into ʘixanéêr

Influenceevolve-icon.png    ʘixanéêr is influenced by 'Ŏle̋xh, and influence-evolves into ǃ̃ƛ’ŋẍáḍ

Sounds[edit | edit source]

IPA Table[edit | edit source]

List of Sounds[edit | edit source]

IPA Latin Description Notes
[ʘ̬] ʘ̬ Voiced bilabial click
[ʘ̬̃] ʘ̬̃ Voiced nasal bilabial click
[ʘ] ʘ Bilabial click
[ʘ̃] ʘ̃ Nasal bilabial click
[ʘ̬͈] ʘ̬͈ Voiced hard bilabial click
[ʘ̬͈̃] ʘ̬͈̃ Voiced hard nasal bilabial click
[ʘ͈] ʘ͈ Hard bilabial click
[ʘ͈̃] ʘ͈̃ Hard nasal bilabial click
[ǁ̬] ǁ̬ Voiced dental click
[ǁ̬̃] ǁ̬̃ Voiced nasal dental click
[ǁ] ǁ Dental click
[ǁ̃] ǁ̃ Nasal dental click
[ǁ̬͉] ǁ̬͉ Voiced soft dental click
[ǁ̬͉̃] ǁ̬͉̃ Voiced soft nasal dental click
[ǁ͉] ǁ͉ Soft dental click
[ǁ͉̃] ǁ͉̃ Soft nasal dental click
[ǁ̬͈] ǁ̬͈ Voiced hard dental click
[ǁ̬͈̃] ǁ̬͈̃ Voiced hard nasal dental click
[ǁ͈] ǁ͈ Hard dental click
[ǁ͈̃] ǁ͈̃ Hard nasal dental click
[ǂ̬] ǂ̬ Voiced alveolar click
[ǂ̬̃] ǂ̬̃ Voiced nasal alveolar click
[ǂ] ǂ Alveolar click
[ǂ̃] ǂ̃ Nasal alveolar click
[ǂ̬͉] ǂ̬͉ Voiced soft alveolar click
[ǂ̬͉̃] ǂ̬͉̃ Voiced soft nasal alveolar click
[ǂ̬͈] ǂ̬͈ Voiced hard alveolar click
[ǂ̬͈̃] ǂ̬͈̃ Voiced hard nasal alveolar click
[ǂ͈] ǂ͈ Hard alveolar click
[ǂ͈̃] ǂ͈̃ Hard nasal alveolar click
[ǃ̬] ǃ̬ Voiced retroflex click
[ǃ̬̃] ǃ̬̃ Voiced nasal retroflex click
[ǃ] ǃ Retroflex click
[ǃ̃] ǃ̃ Nasal retroflex click
[ǃ̬͉] ǃ̬͉ Voiced soft retroflex click
[ǃ͉] ǃ͉ Soft retroflex click
[ǃ͉̃] ǃ͉̃ Soft nasal retroflex click
[ǃ̬͈] ǃ̬͈ Voiced hard retroflex click
[ǃ͈] ǃ͈ Hard retroflex click
[ǃ͈̃] ǃ͈̃ Hard nasal retroflex click

Orthography[edit | edit source]

Latin Letter A À Á Æ Ə Ə̀ E È É Ê I Ì Í Î Ò Ó Ô Ɔ Ö U Ü Ù Ú Û
IPA Sound
Latin Letter B C Ċ Ç D Dh G Gh H Ħ J K Kh L ƛ λ M N Ŋ P Q Qh R S Ƨ T Th V X Z
IPA Sound
Clicks / Other
Latin Letter
IPA Sound

Syntax[edit | edit source]

Notable Features[edit | edit source]

Evolution[edit | edit source]